Investor Relations

Dissemination of Corporation Communications


The Company will make the English and Chinese versions of all Corporate Communications available on the Company’s website at (the “Company’s website”) and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) at (“HKEXnews website”).

Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company supplies Corporate Communications to shareholders by electronic means through the Company website and the HKEXnews website (“Electronic Version”), provided that the relevant shareholders have consented to receiving the Electronic Version.

The Company will seek consent from each new registered shareholder of receiving the Electronic Version of all future Corporate Communications. If the Company does not receive any response from the registered shareholder indicating his/her objection to access Corporate Communications by electronic means through the Company’s website and the Stock Exchange’s website within a period of 28 days, the registered shareholder will be deemed to have elected the Electronic Version instead of the printed version (the “Notification”), and a notification of posting of Corporate Communications on the Company’s website (the “Printed Version”), will be sent to the shareholder in the future by email or, if no email address is provided, by post to the registered shareholder’s address as it appears in the Company’s register of members.

The Company will despatch the Printed Version of Corporate Communications (in the registered shareholders’ choice of language) to their addresses pursuant to their request (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details), or if consent has not been sought by the Company from them to receiving the Electronic Version of Corporate Communications.

A registered shareholder who has elected (or is deemed to have elected) the Electronic Version but for any reason has difficulty in accessing the relevant Corporate Communication(s) electronically, or wishes to receive printed copies, the Company will promptly upon his/her request send the Printed Version to him/her free of charge.

A Notification of posting of Corporate Communications on the Company’s website and the Stock Exchange’s website will also be sent by post to non-registered shareholders whose shares in the Company (whether or not held through a broker or custodian) are kept in the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS). Non-registered shareholders may request to receive the Printed Version of Corporate Communications (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details).

Registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders may from time to time change their choice of language or means of receipt of all future Corporate Communications by giving written notice to the Company’s share registrar (“Registrar”) (See “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for details).

Shareholders who have any queries in relation to election of language and means of receipt of Corporate Communications may call the enquiry hotline of the Registrar on (852) 2980 1333 during business hours (9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications

A registered shareholder or non-registered shareholder may at any time change his/her choice of language and/or means of receipt of all future Corporate Communications by giving reasonable notice in writing (not less than seven days) to the Registrar by post by completing and submitting the Change Request Form provided below to the above address or by email to The change request will apply to the next batch and all future Corporate Communications of the Company until such time when the shareholder ceases to hold shares in the Company or he/she notifies the Registrar of any change of preference by giving reasonable notice in writing to the Registrar in the manner mentioned above.

- Corporate Communication Change Request Form