Our Businesses
Real Estate
Shanghai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (Stock code 600748 SSE)
SIHL holds 48.60% equity interest in SI Development, a company listed in the A-share market in Shanghai. Shanghai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (600748 SSE) recorded revenue of RMB1,029 million during the period, representing a decrease of 70.2% year-on-year. Net loss amounted to RMB177 million, turning from year-on-year profit to loss. In the first half of the year, the overall environment of the real estate industry remained sluggish and sales fell short of expextations, but the construction of the company's key projects continued to progress in an orderly manner. Contract sales of real estate projects amounted to RMB240 million, including parking spaces in Shanghai Bay (Phase 4 and Phase 5) in Qingpu, Shanghai, Belle Rive in Qingpu, Shanghai and the residence of Territory Shanghai in Jing'an, Shanghai, etc., with a contracted area of about 29,000 square meters.
During the period, SI Development’s property management business further improved the quality of its service. Currently, the company has a total of 317 projects under management. As of 30 June 2024, the company has 3 projects under construction, with an area of approximately 272,000 square meters.
Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Co. Ltd. (“SIUD”, stock code: 563 HKSE)
SIHL holds 43.12% equity interest in SI Urban Development. SIUD(563 HKSE) recorded revenue of HK$2,981 million for the first half of 2024, representing an increase of 65.8% over the same period last year, mainly due to higher sales of several projects delivered compared to the same period last year. Revenue from leasing, property management and hotel operations continued to provide stable revenue sources for the company. Loss attributable to shareholders for the period amounted to HK$232 million, mainly due to diminution in the value of its investment properties during the period. Contract sales mounted to RMB2,284 million, and a gross floor area of 98,000 square meters, which mainly included “Originally” in Xi'an, and University Project in Tianjin, and others. Rental income for the period was approximately HK$381 million.